After I finished my shoot, I put together an assemble edit. This has shown me a clear picture of what style my film has turned out to be.
The assemble edit indicated that a soundtrack would be required in order to further the story and help create that emotion in the audience.
I have managed to find a music composer who seems enthusiastic about the project and has made some great suggestions about the theme and style of the music piece.
We talked about the idea of giving the Spirit of the Forest her own music piece to help the audience identify when the character is near and to enhance her mystical look. We both showed interest in Hans Zimmers portrayal of the Joker in the Dark Knight. For this, Hans created a droning sound to unsettle the audience and to help introduce the character. Here, Hans explains his methods and reasoning behind the piece:
The music will help create the suspense I wish to create in the spirits scene.
I also asked for a score to be written for the final scene of my film. After watching my assemble edit, I felt that there wasn't an atmosphere of fear and this was something I wanted to create. I think that the music will help communicate to the audience that Ben is scared during this scene and bring a lot more meaning to the images.
For the general theme of the music, I have asked for it to be very ambient. The composer aims to use the sounds of the forest along with wind chimes to create a music piece almost representing the wind and the forest.
I sent him this theme from Zelda as a reference for the theme and style I wish to create.
The final touches need to be made for my films sound design. Various foley sounds need to be implemented and I also need an ambiance track to layer in throughout the piece. For this I plan to record different ambiance tracks from different areas of the forest and maybe add a subtle electronic hum to help create an unnerving feel in the audience.