On the night of 12.02.09 I went out to near cheadle to do a test shoot. I first tested out using different settings to see if I could even capture the stars on my D70. The night was really clear and there was little cloud cover. The only main issue was that the moon was full and was shining very bright. I could only see and capture stars that were covering abot 1/5th of the sky. There were lights from nearbye villages and towns creating light pollution around the horizons so I was forced to angle my camera high. I also had to block the moonlight going into my camera lense.
I used ISO 400 f4.5/f3.5 and a 30 second shutter speed.
I decided to put something in the foreground and try out a timelapse. I stood there for about 30 minutes taking photos and ending up with a 7 second clip. I believe I had my shutter speed too slow as there are slight jumps in the video when the stars are moving.
Next time I will use a faster shutter speed and stay there for longer. I will also try and do a test with a D3 in a more secluded environment. Ultimatly, I need to do more research into the technical aspects of this type of filming.
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